Jajajaj. en fin, me fue bien en las dos materias, y no estudie, que poder de comprensión que tengo este año, jajaja. En fin, wii. ajajajja, y bueno, chau (?¿).
Aporten ideas para el blog (¿?) re que nadie lo lee? xD
You're so nice and you're so smart. You're such a good friend, I have to break your heart, tell you that I love you; then I'll tear your world apart. Just pretend I didn't tear your world apart.
“You’ll take care of her, I know it, you will do a better job”. Maybe, but not what she deserves.
A lady stepping from the songs we love until this day, you’d settle for an epitaph like “Walk Away, Renee”. The sun upon the roof in winter will draw you out like
a flower. (Meet you at the statue in an hour ).